Highly Durable Coatings are Key

Quality Powder Coatings from IGP Protect Buildings over the Long Term, Saving Resources and Benefiting the Environment.

An average building lifetime of more than 50 years demands maximum performance in terms of color stability, gloss stability, and corrosion protection. Careful and sustainable selection of raw materials, finely balanced formulas, and state-of-the-art production processes are vital for long-lasting coatings.

  • IGP is a leader in powder coatings in façade quality.
  • IGP products stand out not only for their long service life, but also for their high abrasion resistance and top cleanability.
  • IGP products for coating aluminum façade components are subject to in-house quality assurance processes as well as the specifications of – and quality audits by – international certification bodies such as Qualicoat International Qualicoat International and GSB International.

Our References

  • Ansicht der Deutschen Botschaft in Belgrad: Oberflächen wurden mit Pulverlack der IGP beschichtet | © IGP Pulvertechnik AG

    German Embassy in Belgrade

    Besides its unmistakable architecture, the German embassy in Serbia is also known for its bronze-colored entrance area, which blends harmoniously into the building’s walnut interior decor. This successful combination of exterior design and interior furnishings gives the embassy an inviting ambience and emphasizes its unique presence in Belgrade.

  • Seitenansicht des Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz, Bern: Detailaufnahme der Oberfläche, Vollendung durch IGP Pulverlacke | © IGP Pulvertechnik AG
    Von Balkon Aussicht auf das Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz, Bern: Oberflächen behandelt mit Pulverlacke der IGP | © IGP Pulvertechnik AG
    Innenhof des Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz, Bern: Detailaufnahme der Oberfläche, Vollendung durch IGP Pulverlacke | © IGP Pulvertechnik AG

    Administrative center, Guisanplatz

    The construction of the administrative center on the Guisanplatz in Bern has adorned the cityscape’s northern edge with an urban building block inspired by traditional military installations. Step by step, a building landscape is being created here that connects the neighboring districts.
