New LMB Building

The Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge, England, is an architectural masterpiece that embodies both elegance and functionality. The exterior of the LMB building features clean lines and geometric shapes that create a harmonious symmetry.


Cambridge, UK
Year of manufacture
RMJM Architects London
IGP-HWFclassic 59

Project details

An impressive quantity of almost 6,600 kg of HWFclassic in RAL 9007 was used in the construction of the new Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) building in Cambridge. This highly weather-resistant powder coating system, available in both matt and semi-gloss, plays a vital role in protecting the coated parts and surfaces from the often unpredictable weather conditions typical of the Cambridge area. England's changeable weather, characterized by frequent rain showers, strong winds and occasional sunshine, requires robust materials and coatings that can withstand the elements. The HWFclassic in RAL 9007 provides exactly this protective function, ensuring that the aesthetic quality of the building is maintained for years to come. The RAL 9007 color was chosen not only for functional reasons, but also for its aesthetic qualities. The modern façade of the LMB building is harmoniously underlined by this color, which further emphasizes the contemporary appearance of the building. The smooth surface of the powder coating gives the façade a sophisticated, even sheen that is impressive both during the day and at night. The choice of HWFclassic in RAL 9007 for the LMB building in Cambridge is therefore not only a practical decision, but also an aesthetic one. 



Matte, super durable powder coating with a smooth finish, optimized for facades.


Silk gloss, super durable powder coating with a smooth finish, optimized for façades.