IGP-DURA®xal 4201A-L1


Deep matte, highly weather-resistant powder coating for high-quality façades and design objects with the appearance of anodized aluminum.

IGP-DURA®xal 4201 is a deep matte, velvety powder coating on an acrylic copolymer base with a unique quality: It perfectly imitates the surface of matt anodized aluminum. Thanks to its metallic appearance and highly weather-resistant, UV-resistant, perfectly finishing surface, this powder coating is ideal for use in high-end architecture and top-quality design objects.

  • Characteristics
    • Extra opaco
    • Superficie liscia
    • Tinte unite
    • Super durable facade quality,
      3 years Florida > 50% residual gloss
  • Condizioni di cottura
    180 °C20 minutes25 minutes
    190 °C10 minutes15 minutes
    200 °C6 minutes10 minutes
    Per accertare le condizioni di cottura migliori si consiglia, in ogni caso, di effettuare prove pratiche con il rispettivo oggetto e forno di polimerizzazione.