IGP-DURA®xal 4601B-L1


Deep-matte, weather-resistant transparent powder coating of velvety elegance for high-quality design objects, available colorless or glazed.

IGP-DURA®xal 4601 is a deep matt powder coating with a unique velvety elegance and high weathering resistance. The elegant surface is characterized by its high resistance to fingerprints, which is unusual for deep matt coatings. This powder coating is ideal for objects with challenging design requirements in interiors and exteriors, and is also available as transparent and varnishing versions.

  • Condizioni di cottura
    180 °C20 minutes25 minutes
    190 °C10 minutes15 minutes
    200 °C6 minutes10 minutes
    Per accertare le condizioni di cottura migliori si consiglia, in ogni caso, di effettuare prove pratiche con il rispettivo oggetto e forno di polimerizzazione.