IGP-HWFclassic 591TE-I3


Super-durable, specially pigmented coating powder for fine-textured surfaces with increased IR reflectance; IGP-Premium-Bond.

IGP-HWFclassic 591TE-I Reflect is a highly weather-resistant powder coating for deep matte, effect containing and fine-textured surfaces. Its main properties, in addition to high robustness, are increased IR reflectance to reduce surface temperature and thus heat transmission to save cooling energy and reduce the Urban Island Heat effect.

  • Characteristics
    • Extra opaco
    • Raggrinzato
    • Perlato
    • Super durable facade quality,
      3 years Florida > 50% residual gloss
  • Condizioni di cottura
    170 °C20 minutes30 minutes
    180 °C15 minutes25 minutes
    190 °C10 minutes20 minutes
    Per accertare le condizioni di cottura migliori si consiglia, in ogni caso, di effettuare prove pratiche con il rispettivo oggetto e forno di polimerizzazione.